Sunday, November 21, 2010

Revisited...... common guys, I give the one legit question and get no answers?

Is there something wrong with this?

My girlfriend and I have been going out for 7 months and over that time she's messed up a few times.... never anything as bad as cheating, but definitely enough to keep me from completely trusting her. I know she'd never cheat, but idk. She started hanging out with scummy guys and it took a great of explaining to get her to understand they weren't good people and she soon learned that when one tried to ask her to go to the movies, and other things.... (trust me, it wasn't for fun) while I'm gone for a month. She learned her lesson and is now staying at home and not having fun at all while I'm gone for another week+

I feel like a controlling boyfriend telling her who to hang out with, but idk.... I know she wouldn't cheat on me so would it be ok to let her go with them? She'd have fun with some of the people who really are her friends... Maybe if I actually completely trusted her?

Is this normal or am I being controlling?

* 3 hours ago

* - 1 week left to answer.

Additional Details

What is your guys problem, I said she isn't cheating on me, and she truly loves me, and I love her. She just stupidly didn't realize grinding on guys isn't just dancing and she came to me about that and told me she knew she messed up when she couldve easily gotten away with it. I don't trust her being impulsive and naive...

My question wasn't how to break up with her, it was how to learn to forgive her and how to deal with the problem

You people don't honestly realize that love is about learning to forgive someone, because everyone makes mistakes, including myself. There's an obvious limit, but 7 months and me not trusting her with scum isn't a breakup clause.

1 hour agoRevisited...... common guys, I give the one legit question and get no answers?
This question bothers me and I don't even know completely why.

The ';scummy'; guys - did she start hanging with them before or after you began seeing each other? If it was before, I'm not sure it's your place to edit who her friends are.

It seems to me you've made her feel bad with your attitude. You've said she ';stupidly'; did something, she's ';impulsive';, ';naive'; and she ';learned her lesson';, not to mention that you wonder if you should ';let her'; go out with her friends. Are you her partner or her teacher or her pseudo-parent? It sounds like you may have scolded her or at the very least been patronizing. Honestly, there really may be some control issues here.

Finally, being in love with someone should make you feel good about yourself and sure of your commitment. Trust is a very important part of that.Revisited...... common guys, I give the one legit question and get no answers?
she sounds like a trollup
Tell him its okay and that you want to start seeing other men.

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