Friday, November 19, 2010

How much can your mind handle?

How much can our eyes handle, our minds?

I mean, I was going through some freaky internet stuff today. All of the sexual dark freaky fetishes and cartoons, art, virtual, real, reality, etc etc. You get the picture :P

It was definitely FREAKY, I think I am highly disturbed right now.

I had to turn it off, it was just too much. I was shaking.

How much as human beings, can we handle?

I mean, their's got to be boundarys.

Seeing a big cartoon hippo with genatlia spanking a small bloody humanoid cat?

That's one of the things I saw. Haha, go to deviantart, you will find the most freakiest of stuff.

What about seeing a lady being mangled by barbed wire, and having her eyes squeezed and poked with needles, and having acid poured down her face, and a man punching her face? You see that kind of stuff in the movies. SAW? Hostel?

I mean, it's just so freaky.

I can't handle it. How much can you handle?

I was watching axe men, and a log came hurtling towards this guy so quickly all of a sudden, but a tree was near by, and it hit that and snapped into two, giant bouncing log pieces fell to the ground. A guy almost got hit, he ran and then puked. He was in shock.

Shock? Seeing something scary, can that put you in shock?

Seeing a dentist extract tooth by tooth with pliers, can that put me into shock?

I'm scared. Is it normal to be scared?

Heck, I am only 15 years old. lolHow much can your mind handle?
Kid, those boundaries are put there by you. You either keep asking why, and keeping searching for shock, or you just tell yourself you have had enough, and stop asking questions. If you don't you may end up wishing you never did take down those boundaries.

Be careful what you wish for.How much can your mind handle?
Being only 15 years old, don't be surprised at being scared of things that are new to you. You haven't seen ANYTHING yet. How did you react to seeing all those television shots of the world trade center in '01? Ever broken a bone? Did that scare you?

I have been in a couple of car crashes, one that had me in the hospital where I flat-lined on the table for a bit (died) then I was in a coma for 40 days and 40 nights. Now I'm not scared of anything. Not scared even when a strange dog (whose owner had just assured me that he wasn't socialized to people yet) leapt up at my face and sharply bit the air right in front of my face. I knew he was just trying to scare me, but I didn't react at all. When told my father was dead, I didn't react at all. Nor for my grandmother. Nor for a close family friend. (I can't WAIT for certain other 'family friend' to die). I have no emotions at all anymore.

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