Sunday, December 11, 2011

Need an evaluation of an idea for a car, involves tech lasers and cars.?

So were in the car and some guy blinds us with his fog lights so it gets me thinking. Laser fog lights that way the laser can only be seen on the floor and cant blind people, now obviously you would have to mount the laser unit fairly close to the ground as this way, no one can look into it and be blinded, and any one who does is just an idiot.

Another obvious point is that you cant get white laser, Why ? because a laser emits one colour of light ( one in step wave length ) and white is a mixture of them all red having a larger wave length then indigo ( which is part of why a rainbow is an arch, red has bigger wavelength and therefor has a bigger arch ) but thats not the point now after some research i found that the colour most recognizable to the human (as such) is of a wavelength of 550 nm ( roughly as i recall) which is a shade of green so the laser unit should emit such colour.

Now the most prominent (biggest) problem is that 1 laser emits 1 dot of light, So, just like an L.E.D. light unit you would have to have more then one laser, you would have to position them so that each one dot falls right next to the other and considering todays computer technology surely that should be a simple task for an up to date computer right ?

There is also the problem of cost, How much ? Well lets say hypothetically its posh companies like Bentley, Lamborghini, etc that produce the unit, if people can afford those cars they can afford optional extra's, well lets say this laser fog light unit cost 拢1000 pounds to make, after all there would have to be a fair few lasers right, so one grand well the companies could then sell the unit to the customer as an optional extra for say 拢 2000 to 拢 3500 pounds thinking sensibly as this would offer a 100% to 250% profit on each unit so therefore they would make more then enough money and since the price range isn't over the top people wont be put off by the price.

So how does this idea sound ? Stupid ? Waste of time and money ? Convenient ? Amazing ? Please reply with worries and issues that would have to be solved as well as your feed back.

Thank you so much, there may also be other ideas coming out so keep a watch please.Need an evaluation of an idea for a car, involves tech lasers and cars.?
You have a good idea, but the bottom line has to be to teach drivers how to use rear fog lights.

When driving in fog, use your lights, but if you have a vehicle behind you, and you can see it, then turn them off. They can now see you, so you do not need to blind them.

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