Sunday, November 21, 2010

How do you dance with a guy? and no grinding!!?

i mean both ways. i have a prom for junior high coming up, and i can dance by myself, but i have no idea how to dance with a guy! (and i dont mean grinding!)

so, two questions:

1. how do you slow dance with a guy? like where to put your hands and stuff, and what do you even do with him?

but the bigger one is...

2. what if it's not a slow dance, but to a fast song? then how do you dance with him? do you just dance next to him, in front of him? do you dance lke you normally do by yourself? are you and the guy even supposed to be touching/putting ur hands on each other at all??

please help, i don't want to look stupid!How do you dance with a guy? and no grinding!!?
1. you put your left arm on his shoulder, his right arm on your waist. he takes your right hand in yours. and you just go with the music...

2. it really depends on the TYPE of music, y'know? hip hop, country, spanish, whatever you're into. its pretty much how you dance with yourself. depending on the song, you might be holding hands. just go with the flow! dont worry about looking stupid, you'll be fine :]

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