See guys and girls work a little differently. Guys have roles when they go to party. One guy parties and one guy plays wingman. There's lots of responsibilities for the wingman and it usually easier and more efficient if the wingman is sober. Some examples are breaking up fights, keeping others out of your friends business, making sure your friend doesn't get blindsided, taking care of the ugly anchor things like that. I'll bet if you look carefully in a party you can find some good wingmen to strike up a conversation with.Dancing at a frat party!?
i don't know what hip hop parties you go to but you make it sound like its big orgy, it's not even like it! but watch these videos they have some of the dances that are popular right now:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
dance how you want to dance. who cares if it's hip hop. go with a group of friends and dance as a group. if someone chooses to dance with you just dance. it's about having fun. if you're that uncomfortable then invite friends over to your place and dance to your genre of music before the party just to get in the mood. then go to the party and get your dance on. be yourself.
dont turn your back on them and just dance............
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