Sunday, December 11, 2011

LADIES: How to ask a girl to dance at a club?

Here's the deal: I've done some homework, and apparently girls like to be asked to dance (according to Y!A).

Here's the problem: Whenever I ask a girl they just decline. It's as if chivalry isn't only dead, its been cremated and buried and I've just showed up offering its repulsive remains.

I've gotten used to just going up behind them, at an angle, and subtly let them know I will be dancing behind them, then place my hands on her hips and we keep dancing and enjoy it (usually until she gets tired). This also works in groups, if 3 girls are dancing, my 2 buddies and I will approach simultaneously. Seems to work fine...most of the time.

I have girl friends that let guys dance behind them like this as well. Yet I keep coming across girls who call these guys creepers.

Maybe its a cultural thing depending on location, maybe it's just preference, but the way clubs work here, in Miami, is well...grinding with a stranger.

So ladies, with experience, how do you like to be approached? Do you like to be asked or is okay if a guy suddenly grinds behind you? Both? How do you think the majority of girls feel about it?

Bonus: If you do like to be asked, what is the best way?LADIES: How to ask a girl to dance at a club?
i'm sure you're not creepy, you might just be a TAD forward for them. they might get the idea that you're only there for one reason, sex, rather than getting to know them. im a girl, and we all love being approached. you just gotta do it right :) just go up to her, be really friendly, but not too forward. if your at a club ask her if you can buy her a drink, don't get her more than one unless she asks or she'll think you're trying to intoxicate her then rape her. lol. just ask her name, tell her yours, give her a compliment, start a conversation, then ask her if she wants to dance, if she says no shes taken :)LADIES: How to ask a girl to dance at a club?
Hey, do you wanna dance?

And no. Going up behind to just start grinding is for high school.
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